Official points of reference

The Statute of the University 

The Statute of the University of Trieste is the internal regulatory document that governs the organization and functioning of the University and it defines its: 

  • Nature and purpose 
  • Organisational principles 
  • Criteria for planning and assessment of activities
  • Governance and academic administrative organization 
  • Rights and responsibilities of each section of the university community.


The current Statute is available in pdf format on this page:



The CUG ( Committee for the Guarantee of Equal Opportunities, the enhancement of the welfare of the staff and against discrimination ) of the University of Trieste is a university body that deals with preventing and responding to discrimination stemming from gender, age, disability, ethnic origin, language, religion or sexual orientation .


The CUG is a body set up under Article 20 of the Statute of the University of Trieste in compliance with the directive of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers dtd. 11 June 2011 and it assumed all the functions previously assigned to the Committees for Equal Opportunities and the joint Committees on the phenomenon of bullying.


For more information on the CUG, please visit the page: 


The Code of Ethics

Since its adoption in 2011, the University of Trieste has applied a Code of Ethics, a public statement containing the general principles and rules of conduct to which the University attributes a fundamental value and which inspires its policies. 


The text of the Code is to be found at:

Last update: 04-19-2024 - 12:42