PhD Proclamation Ceremony (Cycle XXXI)
The new PhD LISA CATTELAN and MANUEL VAZQUEZ SULLEIRO received the PhD Thesis Prize EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste 2018.
LISA CATTELAN discussed the thesis "Green Reactions and Technologies for Biomass Valorisation" .The awarded research is the result of a cotutel between Ca' Foscary University of Venice and The University of Sydney (Australia) under the supervision of Proff. Maurizio Selva, Thomas Maschmeyer and Masters.
MANUEL VAZQUEZ SULLEIRO discussed the thesis "Covalent functionalization of graphene derivatives for novel carbon interface".The awarded research was perfomed under the supevision of Prof. Maurizio Prato at Trieste University.
Last updated on: 05/30/2019 - 17:29