Procedure of the on-line survey on professors’ opinions

The AVA system (Self-evaluation, Evaluation and Validation) of ANVUR requires the creation of a questionnaire in order to collect teachers’ opinions on the organization of the courses and the teaching, the study workload, classrooms and the support services.

The questionnaire aims to compare the students’ and teachers’ opinions on the teachings, in order to give to the Students and Lecturers Committee (CPDS) and to the review team other analysis aspects. The Quality Committee has added more questions to the ANVUR ones about didactic methods of the teachers. 

To fill the questionnaire out, teachers have to visit the online services Esse3 page, click on the entry “Questionnaires” and there they will find a survey for each course of the current academic year. 

For a better evaluation, teachers should fill it out after the first exams so that they have sufficient elements to answer to the questions.