T4EU Stakeholder Challenge 2023


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03/08/2023 - 23:59
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ASTER COOP - an Italian company specialized in the management of integrated logistics services - launched a challenge that aims to set up a “Maintenance Scheduler”.

Type of challenge: technical challenge.

Technology sector (or industry): software for managing a logistics company.


Description: The scheduler must be able to handle various activities related to routine and extraordinary maintenance of the Stakeholder's facilities (warehouses) and its equipment/machinery.

For more details download the attached PDF.


Award: Winners will be awarded €500.00.


How does the Stakeholder Challenge work? 

Once this call for application closes, international teams will be created and for three days, from July 31 to August 2   from August, 07 to August, 09 they will work to find a solution to the challenge launched by the Stakeholder.
The entire challenge will be ONLINE!




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