T4EU Stakeholder Challenge 2023


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21/04/2023 - 23:59
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A challenge has been lauched by Prodigys Group! 


The challenge aims to analyze and design an improvement action on a Prodigys Group platform: AgrEGG. It is a complete, modern and efficient solution for Business Intelligence used by several 'Fortune 500' companies. AgrEGG can quickly combine any data, regardless of quantity and source, allowing you to easily explore data thanks to its drill down, aggregation capabilities and smart visualization modules. Data exploration is no longer just linear but becomes dynamic, scalable, flexible and real-time. The powerful calculation engine, starting from different data sources, can process complex mathematical formulas to build statistics and graphs analysis with the aim of measuring and monitoring KPIs from any useful database or data source. 


Students working in groups for three full immersion days (10th - 12th, May) will be asked to synthesize a support for the functional evaluation of the tool by testing their personal user experience and suggesting new features for the tool overall improvement.

Project phases: 

1. User analysis: creation of own dashboard and evaluation of frontend and backend usability.

2. Benchmark Market research of similar software highlighting its specialties and success factors.

3. Tuning User Interface by redesigning some elements/sections. 

4. Concept plug-in Creation of additional services which can increase the effectiveness of the product/service.


Winners will be awarded with 1,500 euros.