SLD Service



The SLD Service is both a physical place and a virtual space, open to male and female students with a specific learning disorder ( dyslexia, dysorthography, dysgraphia and dyscalculia ) who wish to attend, or who are already attending, the University of Trieste courses.   


The University, according to the law 170 dtd. 2010 and the Guidelines attached to the Ministerial Decree dtd. 12 July 2011 ( go to legislation ), guarantees students presenting a diagnosis of SLD the use of  dispensatory measures and specific compensatory tools for the attendance of university courses, for studying and for admission tests and exams. 


According to the law, this service is also extended to students with special educational needs ( SEN ) .

If you are a student with SLD or SEN, this service can support you in your studies ... find out how!  


NOTE: The diagnostic certificate proving the SLD condition must not be more than 3 years old, at the time of submission. This certificate is considered valid if issued by a public health body or, for Regions where such a body exists, by the accredited facilities or entities operating in the area of SLD,  meeting the requirements set out by the Resolutions of Regional Governments  to perform diagnostic tests. 


Remember that the diagnosis presented remains strictly confidential and is accessible only to the trained personnel of the Service.

Last update: 11-08-2024 - 13:22