The law protects the right to education of persons with disability pension or disability, as defined by law 104/92 providing for the possibility to request the total or partial exemption from taxes and tuition fees. In case of total relief the student will still be required to pay stamp duty in the value of 16 euro.
Students with at least 66% disability certified or certification of disability in accordance with art. 3, paragraph 1, of the law 104/92 | Students with a certified disability between 45% and 65% | |
Amount of exemption | Total exemption from university fees. | Partial exemption, the share contributions, according to the University ISEE is reduced by 50% (see the notice fees). |
How to register and pay | Pay the stamp duty (16 euros) or istallment by connecting to your personal ESSE 3 (payments section) and using PagoPA payment platform. Info e FAQ on using PagoPA
A notification to the email address provided by the University, warn of any issuance related to taxes and contributions. The non-receipt of the notification email does not constitute grounds for exemption from the payment within the deadlines set by the notice fees. | |
Late payments | For payments made after the deadline will be charged a fine for late payment as determined by the notice fees. |
How, where and when to apply for an exemption
How to apply for an exemption | 1. Fill out the form 2. Attach to the form a copy of a valid certificate issued by the relevant medical commission, confirming the right to request an exemption (total, partial or law 104/92) |
Where do I have to submit it? | The application must be submitted to the Disability Service. If you can not submit it in person, you can submit it through another person or by e-mail/fax: in these cases you have to provide a copy of both sides of a valid ID (identification document). |
By when do I have to apply? | If you are already enrolled, the deadline is the same as for enrollment . 1st year students have to submit the form before their immatriculation . |
What happens if i do not respect the deadline? | In this case you can not get the exempion for the current academic year (see notice fees). |