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PhD Lectures

Noticeboard Type: 
06/03/2020 - 06/05/2020

Lectures will be given from June the 3rd to June the 5th by means of Microsoft Teams.


- June the 3rd (9-13): "prenatal medicine", chairwoman prof. Stampalija (teachers: dott. Sirchia, dott. Travan, prof. Taddio, prof. Bernardi)

- June the 4th  (9-13): "biomaterials", chairman prof. Turco (teachers: prof. Cadenaro, prof. Liguori, prof. Murena)

- June the 5th (9-13): "precision medicine", chairman prof. D'Adamo (teachers: prof. Decorti, prof. Iebba, prof. Tommasini)

- From June the 3rd to June the 5th in the afternoon  (14.30-17): "pharmacogenomics", chairwoman prof. Natasa Karas Kuzelicki, University of Lubiana, Slovenia

Last updated on: 05/06/2021 - 11:40