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Seminar prof. Kishore - November 17th 2015

Complement-dependent and independent functions of C1q.
11/16/2015 - 11/17/2015

Tuesday, November 17, at 14.30, as part of the PhD course in Molecular Biomedicine, there will be a seminar by Dr. Uday Kishore, of the College of Health and Life Sciences, Brunel University (London).

Title: Complement-dependent and independent functions of C1q.

Location: H3 Building, 3B room – Via Valerio 12/2

The inviting teacher is prof. Roberta Bulla


Complement system is a potent innate immune mechanism
designed at recognition and clearance of pathogens. It involves a
conglomeration of soluble and membrane bound factors and
regulators that can initiate a cascade leading to lysis of target cells.
The complement system is activated via the classical, alternative
and lectin pathways, depending on the ligand patterns recognised
by their respective recognition subcomponents: C1q, C3 and MBL.
Complement deficiency is linked with a variety of
pathophysiological processes. Recently, it has become evident that
a number of soluble complement factors can be synthesised locally
and in response to inflammatory insult. Molecules such as C1q,
MBL, factor H and Properdin can act as versatile pattern recognition
receptors and link innate and adaptive immunity. Our recent work
on pattern recognition by complement proteins involving
Mycobacterium, Influenza A Virus, HIV-1 and nanoparticles will be

Last updated on: 05/06/2021 - 11:41