The Principal Investigator's (PI) research focuses mainly on the following topics:
• Biomaterials for dental applications
• Membranes for wound healing
• Tubular matrices for tissue regeneration
• 3D scaffolds for bone regeneration
With a distinctive interdisciplinary background, which ranges from tissue engineering to dentistry, medical sciences, biology, biotechnology and chemistry, the research group is developing and investigating new materials for biomedical applications. The materials are characterized and tested at the Dental Materials Laboratory located at the Ospedale Maggiore (Piazza dell'Ospitale 1, Trieste). Numerous collaborations are ongoing with several national and international institutions like ELETTRA Synchrotron, SISSA, University of Bologna, University of Chieti, Imperial College of London, University of Turku, KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk, State University of Maringá, to name some.
Gianluca Turco is an associate professor at the University of Trieste since 2019. He is currently teaching Dental Materials, Science and Technology of Materials, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering respectively to the undergraduate students of the Master's Degrees in Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics, Dental Hygiene, Medical Biotechnology and Clinical Engineering.
Gianluca Turco
Department of Medical Sciences
University of Trieste
ArTS (List of Pubblications)
Figure A: Fatigue Test with Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of 3D printed dental prosthesis.
Figure B: MG63 cells seeded on electrospinned polymeric membrane.
Figure C: Polycaprolactone (PCL) electrospinned tubular matrix.
Figure D: 3D scaffolds for bone regeneration.
Last updated on: 03/23/2022 - 12:17