The Graduate school in Reproductive Sciences and Development was established in 2014 as a continuation of the Graduate school in Maternal and Child Health, Pediatrics and Developmental Education, Perinatology. The tradition of this school starts with the first year of activation of graduate research at the University of Trieste and develops through successive transformations based on the evolving scientific needs. Growing up, the school has benefited from collaboration with other universities such as those in Turin and Brescia, Pisa, Modena and Reggio Emilia. The school was born from the initiative of prof. Nordio with an educational vocation and gradually contaminated with molecular developments, maintaining a focus on applied research in the field of maternal-fetal and infant health. The school partnerships concern different scientific disciplines and involve various universities.
From 39th cycle, academic year 2023-2024, the PhD name changed to Personalized Medicine and Innovative Therapies.
Last updated on: 02/21/2024 - 10:03