- Any - Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal Agronomy and Field Crops Vegetable and Ornamental crops Arboriculture and Fruitculture Silviculture, Forest Ecology and Management Wood Technology and Forestry Operations Agricultural Hydraulics and Watershed Protection Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization Rural Buildings and Agro-Forest Land Planning General and Applied Entomology Plant Pathology Agricultural Genetics Agricultural Chemistry Pedology Food Science and Technology Agricultural, Food and Environmental Microbiology Livestock Systems, Animal Breeding and Genetics Animal Nutrition and Feeding Animal Science Aquaculture, Poultry and Rabbit Science English Literature Anglo-American Literature English Language, Translation and Linguistics Prehistory and Protohistory Numismatics Civilizations of Pre-Roman History and Etruscology Classical Archaeology Christian, Late Antique and Medieval Archaeology Ancient Topography Methodologies for Archaeological Research History of Medieval Art History of Modern Art History of Contemporary Art Museology and Art and Restoration Criticism Archaeology and Art History of Central Asia and India History, Religion and Philosophies of South and Central Asia Indology and Tibetology Modern Languages and Literatures of the Indian Subcontinent Archaeology, Art History, Religions and Philosophies of Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Languages and Literatures of China and South-Eastern Asia Japanese Language and Literature, Korean Language and Literature History of Eastern and South-Eastern Asia General Botany Systematic Botany Environmental and Applied Botany Pharmaceutical Biology Plant Physiology Zoology Anthropology Comparative Anatomy, Cell Biology and Developmental Biology Ecology Physiology Biochemistry Molecular Biology Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology Cellular and Experimental Biology Pharmacology Human Anatomy Human Histology and Embryology Genetics Microbiology Hydraulics Hydrology and Hydraulic and Maritime Structures Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Excavation Engineering and Safety Raw Materials Engineering Hydrocarbons and Underground Fluids Roads, Railways and Airports Transportation Real Estate Appraisal and Project Evaluation Geomatics Geotechnical engineering Mechanics of Solids and Structures Structural Analysis and Design Architectural Engineering Production and Management of Built Environment Technological and Environmental Design of Architecture Design Architectural and Urban Design Landscape Architecture Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design Drawing History of Architecture Architectural Conservation Urban and Regional Planning Urban and Landscape Planning Analytical Chemistry Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage Physical Chemistry General and Inorganic Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Organic Chemistry Chemical Foundations of Technologies Pharmaceutical Chemistry Food Chemistry Chemistry and Biotechnology of Fermentation Technology, Socioeconomics and Regulation of Medicinal and Health and Wellbeing Products Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature Economics Economic Policy Public Economics Applied Economics Econometrics Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement Management Organization Studies Finance Financial Markets and Institutions Commodity Science Greek and Latin Philology Early Christian Literature Papyrology Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature Romance Philology and Linguistics Portuguese, Brazilian and Lusophone Literatures Portuguese/Brazilian Language, Translation and Linguistics Romanian Language and Literature French Literature French Language, Translation and Linguistics Geography Economic and Political Geography Mineralogy Petrology Geochemistry and Volcanology Mining Georesources, Mineralogical and Petrographical Applications for the Environment and Cultural Heritage Paleontology and Paleoecology Stratigraphic Geology and Sedimentology Structural Geology and Tectonics Physical Geography and Geomorphology Applied Geology Solid Earth Geophysics Applied Geophysics Oceanography, Meteorology and Climatology Germanic Philology and Linguistics German Literature German Language, Translation and Linguistics Nordic Languages and Literatures Dutch Language and Literature Private Law Business Law Navigation and Transport Law Economics Law Agri-Food Law Labour Law Constitutional and Public Law Administrative and Public Law Law and Religion Tax Law International Law European Union Law Comparative Private Law Comparative Public Law Civil Procedure Law Criminal Procedure Law Criminal Law Roman Law and Foundations of European Law History of Medieval and Modern Law Philosophy of Law Historical and General Linguistics Educational Linguistics Albanian Language and Literature Ugro-Finnic Philology Political Philosophy Political Science History of Political Thought History of Political Institutions History and Institutions of the Americas History of International Relations History and Institutions of Africa History and Institutions of Asia General Sociology Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes Sociology of Politics Sociology of Law and Deviance Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes Sociology of Environment and Territory Philology and Civilizations of the Aegean and Pre-classical Mediterranean Greek Language and Literature Byzantine Civilization Modern Greek Language and Literature Medieval History Modern History Contemporary History History of Eastern Europe History of Religions History of Christianity and Churches Archiving, Bibliography and Librarianship Palaeography Bioengineering Applied Physical Chemistry Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Analysis, Design and Control of Chemical Processes Chemical Plants Chemical Technologies Business and Management Engineering Electrical Engineering Naval Architecture Ship Structures and Engineering Flight Mechanics Aerospace Structures and Design Aerospace Equipment and Systems Fluid Dynamics Aerospace Propulsion Applied Mechanics Mechanical Design and Machine Construction Design Methods for Industrial Engineering Metallurgy Manufacturing Technologies and Systems Industrial Mechanical Plants Fluid Machinery Energy Systems and Power Generation Thermal Engineering and Industrial Energy Systems Building Physics and Building Energy Systems Nuclear Reactor Physics Nuclear Power Plants Nuclear Measurements and Instrumentation Power Electronic Converters, Electrical Machines and Drives Electrical Power Systems Electronics Electromagnetic Fields Telecommunications Systems and Control Engineering Information Processing Systems Materials Science and Technology Mechanical and Thermal Measurements Electric and Electronic Measurements Informatics Italian Literature Latin Language and Literature Contemporary Italian Literature Italian Linguistics Philology of Italian Literature Mathematical Logic Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics Algebra Geometry Mathematical Analysis Probability and Mathematical Statistics Mathematical Physics Numerical Analysis Operations Research Physical Training Sciences and Methodology Sport Sciences and Methodology Medical Genetics Experimental Medicine and Pathophysiology Clinical Pathology Medical History Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Pathology Internal Medicine General Surgery Respiratory Diseases Cardiovascular Diseases Endocrinology and Metabolism Nephrology Food and Dietetic Sciences Medical Oncology Blood Diseases Rheumatology Gastroenterology Infectious Diseases Dermatology and Venereal Diseases Psychiatry Neurology Thoracic Surgery Vascular Surgery Heart Surgery Plastic Surgery Paediatric Surgery Urology Neurosurgery Maxillofacial Surgery Oral Diseases and Dentistry Ophthalmology Otorhinolaryngology Audiology and Phoniatrics Orthopaedics Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Paediatrics Child Neuropsychiatry Obstetrics and Gynaecology Imaging and Radiotherapy Neuroradiology Anaesthesiology Medical Statistics Hygiene and Public Health Nursing and Midwifery Sciences Forensic Medicine Occupational Medicine Biotechnology and Methods in Laboratory Medicine Technical Diagnostic, Assistance and Prevention Health Profession Sciences Rehabilitation Health Profession Sciences Advanced Medical and Surgical Technology and Methodology Veterinary Anatomy Veterinary Physiology Veterinary Pathology Inspection of Foods of Animal Origin Infectious Diseases of Animals Parasitology and Animal and Human Parasitic Diseases Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology Clinical Veterinary Medicine Clinical Veterinary Surgery Clinical Veterinary Obstetrics, Gynecology, Andrology and Neonatology General and Social Pedagogy History of Pedagogy and Education Didactics and Special pedagogy Experimental Pedagogy Performing Arts Cinema, Photography, Radio, Television and Digital Media Musicology and Music History Ethnomusicology Theoretical Philosophy Logic and Philosophy of Science History of Science and Technology Moral Philosophy Aesthetics Philosophy and Language theory History of Philosophy History of Ancient Philosophy History of Medieval Philosophy Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Applications Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications Experimental Physics of Matter and Applications Theoretical Physics of Matter, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science Physics of the Earth System, Planets, Space and Climate Physics for Life Sciences, Environment, and Cultural Heritage Physics Education and History of Physics General Psychology Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Psychometrics Developmental and Educational Psychology Social Psychology Work and Organizational Psychology Dynamic Psychology Clinical Psychology Demoethnoanthropological Sciences Slavic Studies Spanish literature Spanish-American Languages and Literatures Spanish Language, Translation and Linguistics History of Ancient Western Asia and the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Egyptology and Coptology Assyriology Anatolian studies Archaeology and Art History of Ancient Western Asia and of the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Phoenician and Punic Archaeology Semitic Studies – Ethiopian Languages and Literatures Hebrew African Languages and Literatures History of Islamic Countries Islamic Archaeology and Art history Arabic Language and Literature Armenian, Caucasian, Mongolian and Turkish Studies Iranian Philology, Religions and History Neo-Persian Language, Literature and History of Iran in the Islamic Age Greek History Roman History Statistics Statistics for Experimental and Technological Research Economic Statistics Demography Social statistics Mathematical Methods for Economy, Finance and Actuarial Sciences History of Economic Thought Economic History Not yet defined