Taught courses offered

The Department of Physics offers certain taught courses aimed specifically at doctoral students. Ph.D students may also include in their personal study plan any of the courses included in the  Inter-university Master’s Degree  in Physics as well as those offered by other institutions (such as SISSA,and ICTP, ...) of particular interest for their training and for the research they intend to carry out. Moreover, in the course of the three years, every doctoral student is required to participate in at least two national or international doctoral schools.

On the basis of the Study Plans approved, the corresponding courses will be offered from among those listed in the tables below. 

The Teaching Committee reserves the right to approve the learning programme proposed, for a total of at least 80 hours of lessons.

In some cases, short cycles o seminars may be offered, of a total duration of less than 10 hours. 

Whenever not explicitly stated, lesson-times are organized on the basis of arrangements made between lecturers and students. Most of the courses are held before the summer; some of the lecturers have already expressed a preference for the autumn because of other commitments.

Courses  conclude with an examination, the result of which is to be recorded by the lecturer in the student’s personal study evaluation booklet. Students are kindly requested to download copy of Personal study-evaluation booklet and use it to record the results of all the examinations you take. Once it is complete, send it to the PhD secretary.



PhD Courses


List of courses planned for the next cycle (PDF)


Last update: 07-12-2024 - 14:44