Departments and research institutions Partners
Teaching and research facilities
Organization of teaching and research activities of the PhD in Physics is part of the Department of Physics, with all its Sections and Locations:
- Headquarters in Via Valerio 2 (former Dept. of Physics)
research areas: sub-nuclear physics and nuclear structure of matter, general physics: physics and medical research techniques, history and philosophy of physics and epistemology) - Section of Astrophysics and Cosmology, via Tiepolo 12 (formerly the Department of Astronomy)
(research fields: stellar astrophysics, physics of extragalactic systems, design and development of observational instruments from the ground, design and development of instrumentation for space research) - Head of Miramare, Strada Costiera 11 (formerly the Department of Theoretical Physics)
(research areas: theoretical physics, nuclear and subnuclear physics, condensed matter physics)
Offices and those involved in organizing sections of the PhD in Physics, and make available to students classrooms, libraries, computer facilities.
Last update: 08-05-2024 - 12:24