Climate dynamics and modelling
We use a wide range of computer models of the atmosphere, ocean and land to help us understand the dynamics and physics of the observed ocean, troposphere, stratosphere, land-surface andhydrological processes.
Our current research includes the large-scale atmospheric and oceanic circulation, their predictability and how they interact on time scales from sub-seasonal to multi-decadal, as well as climate change. To this end we use and develop global and regional models of different complexity, both coupled and uncoupled.
Our current focus is both on understanding climate variability at different time scales as well as performing climate change scenarios and quantifying possible effects on the climate system.
Possible PhD research topics include, but are not limited to:
- The role played by the ocean in shaping our climate, in the mechanisms behind the inherent variability and predictability of the climate system, and how this might change under future climate scenarios.
- The role played by mesoscale eddies in the ocean circulation, especially in the Southern Ocean.
- Heat and carbon uptake by the ocean.
- Investigation of basic mechanisms that drive the general circulation and variability of atmosphere and ocean.
- Dynamics of convection and clouds in the tropical atmosphere and their impact on climate sensitivity.
- Modelling the impact of climate variability and extremes on short and long term human migration.
- Regional climate change: the added value of the high resolution up to convective permitting scale.
- Climate change impact on the hydrological cycle
- Earth System Regional climate modelling: understanding the impacts of regional scale interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere for the representation of mesoscale convective systems and the timing, location, intensity of tropical convective rainfall over land.