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Plasmonic Substrates for SERS Spectroscopy: From Studying the Nano-bio Interface to Clinical Applications


Our research aims at the development and characterization of nanostructured metal surfaces as plasmonic substrates for bioanalytical SERS applications. Besides developing novel SERS substrates, we also aim at a better understanding of the interaction between these metal nanostructures, such as metal nanoparticles, and biological fluids (e.g. serum, saliva), as a necessary step toward the application of nanotechnology to biological systems, and in particular to humans. Gold and silver nanoparticles and other nanostructured surfaces are promising for a variety of applications, from photo-thermal therapy to drug delivery, from drug monitoring to diagnostics, as antibacterial agents or as sensors. Many of these application require the direct contact between these nanomaterials and a biofluid, so that a better insight on how there nano-objects interact with these complex biological samples is crucial. Moreover, we also study how these metal nanostructures can be put to use for real clinical applications, mainly as point-of-care diagnostic tests or monitoring tools based on SERS spectroscopy.



Alois Bonifacio
Department of Engineering and Architecture
University of Trieste

Valter Sergo
Department of Engineering and Architecture
University of Trieste

Last updated on: 06/08/2020 - 10:25