Former PhD Students

Name Cycle Research Title Supervisor Research Field
Carbone Ginevra XXXV Ciclo Bortolussi Luca Computer Science
Cuius Arianna XXXV Ciclo Costa Giovanni Geophysics of Solid Earth
Denich Eleonora XXXV Ciclo Novati Paolo Numerical Analysis
Petris Giovanni XXXV Ciclo Armenio Vincenzo Hydraulics
Salilih Melese Temesgen XXXV Ciclo Parolai Stefano Geophysics of Solid Earth
Santin Ilaria XXXV Ciclo Integrated Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) imaging and characterization of glacial and periglacial environments Forte Emanuele Applied Geophysics
Skłodowska Anna Maria XXXV Ciclo Parolai Stefano Geophysics of Solid Earth
Yousefi Mahsa XXXV Ciclo Martinez Calomardo Angeles Numerical Analysis
Areggi Giulia XXXIV Ciclo Bonini Lorenzo Structural Geology
Blondel Simon XXXIV Ciclo Camerlenghi Angelo Not yet defined
Bourabee Donna M A M S XXXIV Ciclo Aoudia Abdelkrim Geophysics of Solid Earth
Cairoli Francesca XXXIV Ciclo Bayesian reasoning to monitor and control the behavior of large-scale cyber-physical systems acting in uncertain environments Bortolussi Luca Luca Bortolussi Computer Science
Douss Nessim XXXIV Ciclo Rebesco Michele Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Geology
Facca Andrea XXXIV Ciclo Pipan Michele Applied Geophysics
Farooq Asma XXXIV Ciclo will be considered. Maset Stefano Numerical Analysis
Lanzoni Alessandra XXXIV Ciclo Pipan Michele Applied Geophysics
Navarro Labastida Rene Gabriel XXXIV Ciclo Farneti Riccardo Oceanography and Atmospheric Physics
Pezzolo Fabio XXXIV Ciclo Mitidieri Enzo Mathematical Analysis
Pochini Enrico XXXIV Ciclo Oceanographic modelling of the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean) under past climatic and bathymetric conditions Forte Emanuele Oceanography and Atmospheric Physics
Sbaiz Gabriele XXXIV Ciclo Some stability and instability issues in the dynamics of highly rotating fluids Del Santo Daniele Mathematical Analysis
