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4° Workshop of the Joint Doctoral Program in Chemistry June 27th - 29th 2018

27/06/2018 - 29/06/2018

The 4° Workshop of the Joint Doctoral Program in Chemistry will be held on June 27th – 29th 2018 at University of Trieste.

Invited Lecturers:

Prof. Noni Pagona Maravelaki

School of Architecture

Lab of Materials for Cultural Heritage and Modern Building

Technical University of Crete, Greece

Lecture Title: Nanomaterials for monument conservation: applications as consolidants and self-cleaning protectives


Dr. Serena Silvi

Dipartimento di Chimica “Giacomo Ciamician”

Università degli Studi di Bologna

Lecture Title: Molecular machines and motors


Workshop Program

Evelina Parisi and Thomas Scattolin received the Prize for the two best oral presentations.

Last updated on: 30/01/2019 - 18:38